3 March 2017

Project Office

In March 2017, following an introduction from the Royal Society of Arts, Impact Hub Bradford commissioned Leeds Beckett University’s Project Office to create an architectural vision for our proposed long-term hub.

Project Office is an architectural studio staffed by undergraduate architecture students, whom are briefed to work on real commercial projects.

Impact Hub Bradford is a visionary social entrepreneurial organisation set in the heart of the historic Little Germany quarter of Bradford. It can be seen that Bradford’s architecture explicitly manifests its illustrious past and entrepreneurial success during the Industrial Revolution. Now as the youngest city in the UK, Bradford has an incredible opportunity to use its talent, authenticity and diversity to forge a new, inclusive business role within a digital future for this great post-industrial city. Impact Hub Bradford is a pivotal organisation that successfully connects with a broad range of young people to help empower and articulate their goals. Furthermore, as a widely respected organisation they are also able to act as a conduit to represent the views of their users to the Council and others to help shape the agenda and narrative for young people in the city.

Amir Hussain, Yeme Architects & Leeds City Region LEP

The initial brief for a concept design to aid in our fundraising efforts was tackled by a small group of BA2 & 3 students during a week’s work placement. A one-page brief, followed by a site visit was enough stimulus to give the students time to produce a detailed architectural workbook.

In just three working days, Project Office produced a remarkable series of designs and branding to help us sell our vision to potential funders.

Project Office’s students expressed an interest in remaining involved with the ongoing development of the architectural vision, with some students even contemplating setting up their practices in a future hub.