1 November 2017

Little Germany Action Group

We’re proud to be based in Bradford’s historic Little Germany district. Our cofounder and CEO Kamran Rashid is on the board of Little Germany Action Group, we’ve played a prominent role in animating Little Germany. In 2018 we agreed to lead the group and refocus it on future opportunities and supporting the regeneration of our historic home and efforts to extend its heritage into the future.

Little Germany Action Group is a not for profit company whose aim is to regenerate this wonderful part of Bradford city centre. This unique area of listed Victorian buildings is home to a mixture of businesses and residential conversions but there is still much to do to see the area attain its potential. Approximately a third of the buildings remain empty – waiting for their opportunity to bring more life and prosperity to the city. The establishment of an Impact Hub would be an excellent addition to Little Germany, and Bradford, providing a much-needed facility for social enterprises and entrepreneurs to develop their ideas under the umbrella of the Impact Hub network. Consequently, LGAL fully endorses this project and looks forward to its arrival in Little Germany.

Dave West, Little Germany Action Group


If you’re interested in Impact Hub Bradford membership, why not book a tour of our Grade II listed workspace in Little Germany.