1 November 2018

Bradford BID includes Little Germany

In November 2018 we helped to ensure Bradford’s historic Little Germany district was part of Bradford BID.

Impact Hub Bradford is located in Little Germany. The area was home to the German merchants who came to Bradford in the late 1850s for the prosperous textile industry. Today there are 55 listed buildings – including our Grade II office the Design Exchange.

As Bradford’s proposed Business Improvement District began to take shape, our CEO, Kamran Rashid successfully argued to expand the demise line to include Little Germany and later went on to join the BID’s Operating Board.

There’s no doubt that bringing 30 Chapel Street on board the Hub would be a huge asset to the network and one which I feel could help further boost networking and commerce in the city. The centre does a huge amount of work towards encouraging entrepreneurship in Bradford and is an invaluable resource for local businesses. As General Manager of The Broadway and Chairman of Bradford BID, we’re all committed to raising Bradford’s commercial profile and 30 Chapel Street is sure to help us on our way to achieving this goal.

Ian Ward, Manager The Broadway and Chair Bradford BID

What is Bradford BID?

Bradford BID gives businesses the power and funding to take action to make significant, targeted and sustained improvements to our city centre. The local business community decides what those improvements should be and, delivers them through BID.  Find out more here.