1 April 2019

Architectural Heritage Fund

In 2018, the Architectural Heritage Fund awarded our team a Project Viability Grant to explore the commercial viability of our proposed home in Little Germany.

Bradford has an incredible opportunity to use its talent, authenticity and diversity to forge a new, inclusive business role within a digital future for this great post-industrial city. 30 Chapel Street is a pivotal organisation that successfully connects with a broad range of young people to help empower and articulate their goals. Furthermore, as a widely respected organisation they are also able to act as a conduit to represent the views of their users to the Council and others to help shape the agenda and narrative for young people in the city.

Amir Hussain, Yeme Architects and Leeds City Region LEP

Throughout Spring 2019, we commissioned a number of partners to develop studies on architectural restoration of the building and an accompanying business plan for reimagining it with new communities and purposes.

Our partners Bauman Lyons led community workshops and architectural discussions, with Inspired Neghbourhoods bringing their experience of innovative and sustainable live/work places to develop our business plans.

30 Chapel Street was able to present findings on community impact, market research, conditions reports, development appraisals and budget estimates around the context of a costed business plan and cash flow.

With the AHF’s Transforming Places programme placing special focus on Bradford’s architectural heritage, we now intend to use our studies to apply for a Project Development Grant and produce more detailed designs for our building.


Note: Impact Hub Bradford CIC was previously known as 30 Chapel Street