24 October 2019

Royal Society of Arts Fellows’ Northern Meetup

In October 2019, we hosted our first event with the Royal Society of Arts, bringing together Fellows from around the North of England.

The RSA has been at the forefront of social change for over 260 years. With 30,000 global Fellows, their work focusses on supporting innovation in three major areas: creative learning and development, public services and communities, and economy, enterprise and manufacturing.

Guests at the event:

  • shared updates on RSA activities, ideas and areas of interest with one another;
  • discovered more about Impact Hub Bradford’s community of social entrepreneurs, the city of Bradford, our work in Little Germany and our mission of social innovation and creativity in the city;
  • showcased interesting people and projects in social innovation;


As members of both the RSA and the Impact Hub Network, we look forward to hosting similar events in the future. If you’d like to partner on an event, contact our team today.