15 June 2017

Arts Collaboration – North Country

In June 2017 Impact Hub Bradford offered its building at 30 Chapel Street to local theatre arts company, Freedom Studios, to use as a location for a live-streamed play.

Freedom Studio’s production of Tajinder Singh Haver’s North Country — a post-apocalyptic tale set in a future Bradford recovering from a plague — offered a rich, timely and provocative story very much rooted in the city’s various cultures.

Working with Freedom Studios afforded Impact Hub Bradford an opportunity to understand how to serve the arts and culture sector, not simply as a venue partner, but also in connecting together technologists, performers and creatives in innovative configurations.

Additionally, it allowed us to evidence why arts, social ventures and tech are a powerful thesis for our community focus, illustrating the uniqueness of the city’s capabilities. An account of the performance is available online at… medium.com/@imran/storycasting-north-country-live-9eb568c9e346.


Impact Hub Bradford is cultivates social innovation and enterprise. Alongside our coworking space, we host events, programmes and workshops. If you have an idea for an event or programme, get in touch – we’d love to help

North Country poster