10 March 2021

Launching Bradford’s Economic Recovery Plan

Bradford District Metropolitan Council has been a key partner for Impact Hub Bradford for many years; as well as contributing our perspectives to the city’s economic strategy in the past, our own strategy has been guided by the priority areas local government has identified.

Just a few days ago, Bradford’s Economic Recovery Board published its ambitious plan to support the city’s recovery from COVID-19. The plan sets out a vision for an inclusive, sustainable and resilient economy that will sustain jobs, enhance productivity and make Bradford the country’s fastest growing economy.

The plan sets out a five-year vision embracing the opportunities arising from Brexit, digital technologies and an emerging green economy; within these ambitions, there are five major opportunities identified for the city:

  • Equipping its young and diverse population with skills and confidence to succeed.
  • Supporting businesses to use new technologies and drive innovation.
  • Leveraging its cultural assets and distinctive places to spur economic growth.
  • Enabling all people to lead healthy and productive lives.
  • Transitioning to a sustainable, resilient and connected economy.

We’re very proud to support these ambitions with our own focus on women, young people and minorities and sectors such as social enterprise, arts & culture and the possibilities of the various diaspora our city’s communities are connected to globally.

You can find out more by downloading Bradford’s Economic Recovery Plan from the council website at…bradford.gov.uk/business/bradford-economy/bradford-district-s-economic-recovery-plan.