30 April 2021

Another Level: What’s missing from levelling up?

Last week, our CEO Kamran Rashid joined former Cabinet Secretary Gus O’Donnell, Rt Hon Justine Greening, former Secretary of State for Education and Madison Kerr of Pro Bono Economics in a round table session to discuss how the government can ensure the levelling up agenda makes the most difference to people’s lives, and the role civil society has to play in that.

The panel explored whether levelling up policies announced so far will improve people’s lives, and whether enough attention is being paid to the social and community infrastructure that is such an important contributor to our wellbeing. The discussion also introduced new research from The Law Family Commission on Civil Society on the importance of civil society as a contributor to levelling up.
You can watch a recording of the discussion below (Kamran’s remarks begin at 15:39) and you can find out more at… probonoeconomics.com/Event/another-level-whats-missing-from-levelling-up